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December 2014, in partnership with Reverend Piridi Paul, founder of Dayamaya Evangelical Ministries, Inc., ANS Ministries conducted the India Hope Tour in Vizianagaram, AP, India. This was the very first missionary outreach done by ANS Ministries on the Asian continent. We are excited about expanding and continuing our relationship with the local church in not only Vizianagaram but India as a whole.
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The India Hope Tour 2014 was the first event ever conducted by ANS Ministries on the Asian continent. Further more, it was the very first event with the involvement of volunteers coming from outside of the United States. Although India is a nation in love with the sport of cricket, ANS Ministries was very much welcomed, loved and accepted by the people, who cared less about what method we used but rather were very much thankful and accepting of the methods we chose to serve them through the crusades, conferences, preachings, praying for the sick and serving their physical needs. We look forward to expand in India and the Asian continent.
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“This day at the second leprosy colony we visited was very special to me. When we arrived Pastor Paul showed us a water well that had been constructed recently with funds provided by ANS Ministries. For years they had relied on an unclean water source, a pond used by community for other purposes (cattle & washing clothes). In that moment the Lord began to speak to my heart about sharing from John 4, when Jesus spoke about giving living water! Many responded with open hearts to receive the gift of living water. Lives were transformed, many received hope and also received healing in their physical bodies.”
– Chris Dickerson, Vice President ANS Ministries, Inc.
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– Anthony Pontes, Vice President ANS Ministries Brasil.
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“I had the pleasure of ministering at church in a poor Hindu community in the city of Vizianagaram. We were very well received by the local community which left us pretty comfortable to do the work of our Lord Jesus Christ. We had the opportunity to circulate among the alleys praying for the people of the community and seeing the acts of God during our walks. it was awesome to see people bringing their families and neighbors to receive prayer. I was moved to see people pulling us in their direction to pray for them. They were hungry to hear what we had to say to them about Jesus and to receive a special touch from God. The mere fact that we made ourselves available to touch and pray for these people already made a huge difference, but it was even more special because we were bringing these people to the feet of Jesus.”
– Vilson Veiga, Vice President ANS Ministries Brasil.
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“The second day of the open air crusade I was the one assigned to preach. That morning I woke up very sick, and no medicine was helping me get better. I could barely walk or stand straight. I was very disappointed at myself for traveling so far and not being able to fulfill the very reason why I was there, to preach the gospel. Just two hours before we were supposed to leave for the crusade grounds the team decided to take a stand of faith, and as I laid there on the bed beneath the blankets shivering with cold and a fever they laid hands on me and by faith commanded the fever to go away. A few minutes later I was to my feet and getting ready to go! That night we had an amazing move of the Holy Spirit and Hindus were accepting Jesus. People were getting healed of all sorts of sicknesses and experiencing the power of the Holy Spirit. That day was a battle from the moment I woke up to the moment I went back to bed, but through it all I was able to see the grace and the power of Jesus. I learned how important it is for us to depend on the power of the Holy Spirit. There is absolutely no way that I could have gotten better, preached the way that I did, and still minister to people with the laying of hands had not the Spirit of God given me the grace and the power to do so.”
– Thiago Gonçalves, President ANS Ministries, Inc.
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